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Here at acu.e8 we have partnered with a number of other small businesses to bring bespoke offerings to either our therapists or to our extended community with regards to boosting mind and body. Whether that be through access to yoga and meditation from anywhere in the world or products that support your overall wellbeing.


Yogi Banks // Move + Meditate

Move + Mediate was a concept brought to life during the UK lockdown, when I felt I wanted to offer a virtual space for people to be able to regularly check in with themselves, cultivate good healthy habits and build community through the power of yoga and meditation. 

Move + Meditate is now branching out into the corporate world, offering businesses a way to pay back their teams, through giving colleagues the opportunity to easily log into the online platform to find moments of calm, even on their busiest days. 

The platform is ever growing with a brand new practice being added every week! There is something to suit your every need and mood; ranging from nourishing yin yoga, gentle and dynamic vinyasa yoga, long and short meditations and breathwork practices. 

It really is a lovely platform that comes with no pressure, but full support from myself in your journey to accessing more calm in your life. To sign up as an individual or business and get 50% off your first two months subscription just enter the code HELLOACU

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